Being A New Mom In The Newsroom Isn't Easy, But These Tips Can Help
Being A New Mom In
The Newsroom Isn't Easy,
But These Tips Can Help
Written by News Gal
š July 13, 2019
“Oh, you’re still working?”
I can’t tell you how many times people have asked me that question since having my daughter. People seem shocked when I tell them I still work full-time, including weekends.
It’s like they think I should have immediately quit my job once I became a mom. I’ll be honest, if I could have, I would have. But financially, both my husband and I have to work.
Being a mom is hard, being a working mom is hard, but being a TV news mom is HARD.
My perspective has changed since becoming a mom. Stories hit me in different ways now. I don’t want to work late anymore, because that means I miss dinnertime, bathtime, and maybe bedtime.
Being a mom has changed the way I look at my job, and it has changed the way people look at me. So, if you’re a new mom in TV news, here are some of my tips to make it a little easier:
1. If you’re pumping, have a plan.
If you are still breast feeding, and you need to pump during your shift, make sure the station has a private, clean place for you to go.
Ask about it as soon as you get pregnant, so they have time to help you find a spot, if needed.
You’ll also need to accept the fact that if you’re standing at breaking news, you’re not going to pump on time unless you can run to the live truck to do it.
2. Find out about sick days.
Does your company allow you to use a sick day when you child isn’t feeling well? Or do you have to use vacation days?
Believe it or not, some stations do not allow parents to use sick days for their children. I have friends who have had to take unpaid days off, because they were out of vacation time and their boss said it wasn’t a sick day.
3. Talk about your schedule.
Most of my coworkers received new shifts when they came back from maternity leave. If you’re a night side reporter, maybe you want to be dayside when you come back.
Maybe you need to be nightside instead of dayside because you have childcare in the afternoon, but not the morning.
Not all employers will be flexible with this, but it doesn’t hurt to ask.
4. Say no.
You can’t say no all of the time, but if your station continuously wants you to work late, put your foot down.
If you want to be home for dinner, or you want to read your child a book before bed, fight for it.
5. Bring pictures.
I have a couple of pictures of my daughter at my desk. They help me smile when I am having a bad day. The pictures also spark conversations with people and moms love talking about their kids!
6. Remember you’re working to help your child.
As much as I hate that I miss so many things with my daughter because of my job, I know I’m helping her. She is seeing her mom as a professional woman, which is nice.
I am making money to help ensure she has the things she needs to stay healthy and happy. I’m also hoping she will see me working, and will learn the importance of hard work and sacrifice.
7. Make your days off count.
I try really hard to make sure the time we have together is great. I put my phone down and focus on my daughter.
I want her to realize she is the most important part of my life, not work. š
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