17 Questions YOU Should
Ask During A Job Interview
17 Questions YOU
Should Ask During
A Job Interview
Written by Soul Witness
🕒 May 24, 2019
You just landed the interview!
No, not the one where you’re in charge, the one where they get to grill you. Hey, it’s all part of getting a job, but remember, you can ask some questions too.
My advice would be to ask a question when one comes to mind. Without interrupting of course.
If your future boss is telling you about the position, ask about the position:
1. What would a “typical day” look like?
2. What are the daily expectations? (Post to the web, post to social media, write a discrepancy report, create a digital video, have interviews set up a day in advance, etc.)
3. How are the editorial/pitch meetings run, and who runs them?
Getting an idea of what the daily grind looks like before you start a job can be an advantage for you!
Let’s say they are now talking about the work environment. This is the time to ask about how cohesive everyone is:
4. Do they have events and/or gatherings outside of work? (Think, a 4th of July cookout at a local park, a potluck on the third Thursday of every month.)
5. Are there ever any team building exercises the newsroom does from time to time?
Working well together is a huge part of the job. Sure, there is always “that one” who is annoying, or is always late, or doesn’t pull their weight, but how does the rest of the team interact?
This is also something you can observe for yourself when you take a tour of the newsroom.
Now, they’ve moved on to benefits. You may want to ask a financial advisor for in-depth advice about 401Ks, and retirement funds, but for the most part you should be getting a 401K and health insurance.
Some questions to ask here would be:
6. How much is taken out of your check for health insurance? (This information is sometimes available on the company’s website, so you can check before going to your interview.)
7. Can you opt-in for dental or vision insurance? If so, how much does that take out of your check?
Some companies have other perks like “You Decide.” For this you get things like discounts on hotel rooms, tickets to theme parks or shows, and more. Try to see what else they have to offer.
However, I will say…these aren’t the only benefits you should be asking about:
8. What about personal development?
9. Do they offer to send someone from their newsroom to conferences?
10. Do they hold workshops or have certain days designated for tutorials?
11. Will they send you to a sister station in a higher market to shadow a (insert your title here)?
These types of benefits are sometimes worth taking the hit of paying more for insurance or less of a salary in general.
Most of the time, those of us already in the news business know a person won’t stay at their station forever. They will want to make the move to the next market eventually.
Opportunities for professional development can impact you more than you might think when it comes to your future.
Another perk to ask about…Vacation:
12. What is the company holiday schedule like?
13. Do they operate on a “comp-day” system or will you be paid overtime?
14. What are the requirements when it comes to vacation time? Meaning, do you have to take all of your vacation days before a certain date?
15. Do you have to be employed for a certain amount of time before you can request time off?
These questions may seem a bit demanding but it’s all about how you phrase your questions. You could also ask another employee who works there. This information may also be on the company’s website.
That leads to the all-important question that everyone is uncomfortable asking (yes, even us “veterans”):
16. “What is the salary?”
Usually this is one of the last topics your potential manager will bring up. It’s uncomfortable for everyone, trust me.
I’ve been on both sides many times. This can be the “make or break” factor when it comes to sealing the deal.
My advice here:
17. Ask if there are pay increases written into your contract, or, if you’re hourly, are there raises already scheduled?
If not, take that into consideration.
At my first job in the industry, I was paid $7.25 for about two and a half years. I had to work other jobs, but I wanted to make it in the TV business, so I kept pushing.
It was worth it in the long run, but keep this in mind: If the salary is simply not enough to live off of, you do have the right to keep searching. You’ll find the right fit eventually!