Jeff Houston

Jeff Houston newsroom local tv news director review

Current Station: WBMA

Twitter: @JeffTVnews

LinkedIn: Jeff Houston

"Terrible. The newsroom is pretty chaotic and disorganized. More so than a normal newsroom. Jeff likes to flip schedules around pretty frequently. If you upset him or challenge him in any way, youā€™ll be on the overnights for a few months. Overall itā€™s a toxic and negative environment. Turnover is pretty high. Thatā€™s why they require producers to sign contracts and non competes."
"He is such a jerk. There is no way he should be in charge of a news room. He likes to bully people and tries to rule with fear tactics. I canā€™t wait to leave."
"I donā€™t want to bash him. However, heā€™s simply not a good person. That translates into awful mgr. very little empathy, and very much like a mean girl from high school. Gossipy and plays favorites. Get everything in writing - immediately! (Been known to say promotions, raises and schedule change discussions never happened)"
"He is the worst person I have ever worked for. Clearly unorganized, major OCD about minor things. Completely incapable of communicating effectively with staff. Heā€™s the kid that was bullied in middle school and now takes it out on others because he has some power."
"Horrible boss. Worst Iā€™ve ever had...

The News Directorā€™s mottos for leadership: ā€œI prefer to inspire with fearā€ and ā€œif people like you, you arenā€™t doing a good job.ā€"