After receiving several requests, the Rate My Station team has decided to make a small change to the rating process.

From this moment on, the portion revealing whether or not a person currently works for a news station will be permanently removed. However, we will continue asking this question in our survey for verification purposes, of course. This answer, like your email addresses, will be collected and stored in our database.

The information was originally shared as a way to help those using this website find a great place to work, because, letā€™s face it, when someone writes a rating (good or bad) people usually want to know when they worked there, how long they worked there or if they still currently work there.

We ultimately decided to remove the answer because:

  • Weā€™ve received complaints about news stations/NDs trying to use this information as a process of elimination to identify who wrote the rating.
  • Weā€™ve received complaints from people saying theyā€™re being wrongly accused of writing a rating, simply because of that information.

Your privacy is very important to us here at Rate My Station, and feedback to protect that privacy is always considered. So with that being said, we hope youā€™ll continue to enjoy our website. May the odds be ever in your favor!